Unique Quotes For 2023 Life | Life Quotes

 If you change the

 way you see things,

 the things you see


Writer M.A.D143 

  Life consists of two

 days, one for you

 and one against you.

 So when it is in your

 favor, do not be

 arrogant, and when

 it is against you, be

 patient, because

 both days are a test

 for you.

Hazrat Ali

           There are two

 ways to live a

 pleasant life, either

 in someone's heart

 or in someones's


Hazrat Ali 

Whoever sells the life of the Hereafter for the life of this world will lose both of them.
- Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

"You will never be able to remove our love and memory from people's hearts..."
- Sayyida Zainab (may Allah be pleased with her).

Trying to separate two close friends is the worst.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him).


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